Jeanette Blackburn

Jeanette is the recipient of many awards and has judged the Telecom Art Awards. The highlight of her career was the great honour of having her painting “The New Zealand Huia” presented to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to commemorate her Golden Jubilee visit to New Zealand in February 2002.

The painting commissioned by the 16th FEILD REGIMENT OF THE NZ ARTILLERY commemerates the guns and gunners of the 2nd world war, and in Vietnam, plus the present artillery guns of today. The original painting now hangs at the Linton Military Camp with other artworks from distinguished artists. Limited Edition prints are available from Waiouru Army Museum.
Californian Quail Stamp commissioned by NZ Fish and Game. Released in February 2017.

The NZ Shelduck stamp was commissioned in 2004 from Fish and Game, plus the 2014 Pukeko to raise funds for the wetland restoration projects throughout NZ which was unveiled in February 2014. Stamps, Limited Edition Prints and First Day covers available from NZ Post.